210 похожих чатов

Hey everyone. I was asking this in the Maiar exchange

channel but didn't get much of a response. I'm trying to stake for a friend on the Maiar app. I set up everything and sent him 1.01 egld. When we try to stake and click the "max" button the number .99799 comes up while he has 1.01egld available. Is the staking fee really more that .01egld? I did some research and it seems like it should be closer to a .00014 staking fee. Thoughts?

2 ответов

7 просмотров
Beef-Wielder Автор вопроса

"Some guy named Frank sent me coin!" -my friend 😂🤣🙏 You're awesome, Frank!

Happy to share the love of Elrond. 😍😍

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