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Again if Ethereum has unlimited supply. And you think unlimited

supply nothing goes over A dollar . My question is why does your theory apply to CKB but not Ethereum?

11 ответов

10 просмотров

You also know this better than me that eth total supply is very few, they don't generate coins every year in billions or thousands

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Stop saying same things over and over.. else I have to kick out out... Educate yourself

Is this true? I’m pretty sure ETH is not capped

So what you want from me. What should I ask? More coin = more computer storage. You want me to get convinced by these examples. You want to kick me out then do it.. If you have solid justification then you give that otherwise what you can do.. you can only block me. My question are legitimate. How a coin can increase in price if we generate 1.3B coin every year?

Hello! Kindly move price/trading discussion to the Nervos unofficial community @NervosUnofficial Thank you!

Cr00kednervosness- Автор вопроса

This guys funny. He thinks utility should be limited 😂😂

See, if you want to put a dApp on ETh you don't have to lock eth ... But in nervos , when you put a dApp on layer 1,you need to lock certain amount of ckbs.. and the users of the dApp increase--> more locked ckb..

If there is 1.4 billion dollar invested in a year, it is still more than the 1.3 created. Is it that much now? Also, the supply is getting smaller and smaller in time with adoption, by locking the existing CKB. You just keep saying there is a need of small cap. You can have 10 coins mcap and then complain there are too few. Even tho supply is going up, the rate at which is going up is getting smaller and smaller, because inflation is getting smaller

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Assume its hard cap around 33 billion

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