I think it is a scam
Dm me the link, so we can check, but it does sound scammy with that name.
It’s a ponzi lmao
I will do that right now
Is it one of those ponzi game contract? Are you sure?
How is the hex mined? The only way I know so far is by a smart contract created by a computer code on the ethereum network through staking hex. I don’t know the computer server or equipment it is used to run all this on .
The scammy prick on that site sounds like Alex Saunders. Hex is the only real contract. I reported it to youtube as a fake the other day.
Kerndog🐕 (23) has increased reputation of Koru (306)
So you stake your own hex and you get rewarded matic? Nah sounds to 1 sided
I'm not going to touch this platform. It's most likely a scam. I don't think it will last more than a few months at most.
I went to that chat group on this platform and they had more scammers DM than any other group I joined so far . That place was full of them
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