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@Foflexity @DAPPerD Just catching up. watched your three video series went

to demo.telos.finance ran through the ropes

This is an epic noob user experience, to install the custom RPC, link me to a faucet, load my address with 100 test TLOS, and drop me in the uniswap style swap, let me swap TLOS for SOON, all in about one completely frictionless minute!

Really well done guys. So some suggestions for what to work on. I could not see the SOON in my MetaMask "assets" so I clicked on the "activity" tab, then on the last transaction, then on the arrow in upper right of details box to go to the block explorer. This landed me at the hyperion page, but not directly on the transaction.

I went back to MM, copied my address, back to hyperion, pasted in the search, Like lightning I am at the address looking at the two transactions. Noobs will get lost though. Needs to drop them directly on the transaction.

I also could not locate the token contract address for the SOON token so I could add in as "custom token" in the "assets" of MM

You are probably already working on these small details, and I look very forward to using this blazing fast EVM for DeFi with ultra cheap fees and no front running or sandwich bots, but just in case I thought I would point out those small details.

The EVM was super impressive and lightning fast. Might have to re-invent MM that can keep up?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Hi Jack, it's great to see you back here! You've never been shy about sharing your opinions here so these words of praise are quite gratifying. Yes, we will be performing a number of user refinements. Most important, we are not actually launching a DEX/AMM, we adapted the code so that everyone could get a peek at Telos EVM and to make it free and ready to go for anyone who wants to deploy a Swap platorm on our EVM.

Jack (of 💞)- Автор вопроса

Well I hope you implement that auto add Custom RPC feature to your main net version and possibly a similar link to a TLOS faucet for a bit of starter gas and you have the closest thing to a perfect frictionless noob integration I have ever seen. The speed of transactions is really impressive too. I will try the anchor integration latter, enjoythe whiskey well deserved.

Hey Doug. do we know the date when the swap and farms will work for evm as shown in the demo :) I like the demo> the transactions are super fast and the fees for delivering the pool to the farms are wonderfully low

Thanks. You heard about our big audit success, I assume.

Jack (of 💞)- Автор вопроса

If you mean finding the ETH bug, yes

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