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Guys, i need your ideas here, From your experience : 1.

does trade stocks daytrade or swing trade in mirror is visible? i have plan to move all funds from traditional app to mirror
2. how much is the spread fee gap in mirror?

also for maximize yield comparison which strategy is most optimize for you?
a. deposit anchor only
b. deposit anchor, use aUST as collateral to short mAsset that not fluctuate much like gold
c. deposit anchor, use aUST as collateral to short mAsset that have high apr and buy the asset (delta neutral)
d. deposit anchor, use aUST as collateral to short mAsset that have high apr and provide liquidity in long aswell

i need more data or insight if anyone have, or have better idea or way, like long liquditiy optimizer or else..


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More of a question for people in here #LUNAtics You know or you don’t https://t.me/LUNAtics100x

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