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On September 13th, Nevin (CEO), Gabriel (COO) and Taylor (Lead

protocol developer) had a Reddit AMA on the /r/CryptoCurrency subreddit.

We answered the community's questions about:
👉 RTokens
👉 Staking RSR
👉 Marketing and partnerships

...and much more!

Now you can read a summary of all the best parts.

READ THE SUMMARY HERE: https://medium.com/reserve-currency/reserve-protocol-reddit-ama-recap-285229140faa

RETWEET: https://twitter.com/reserveprotocol/status/1444291229370527750?s=20

3 ответов

2 просмотра
Sinatra- Автор вопроса
Uvuvewewe onyatetete Ubimubi osas
Wen new news

This news is pretty new: https://twitter.com/reserveprotocol/status/1444226970628378629?s=20.

Uvuvewewe onyatetete Ubimubi osas
Wen new news

They automated the process of non-crypto people being able to use the app without Reserve manually having to approve each person - the KYC tool. While there's no way to make that sound sexy, it's as invaluable and important a someone creating - I'm not sure of the right metaphor: Someone creating a tweak in Excel to allow there to be 55,000 rows, and allowing it to spend 30 years as the dominance of spreadsheets.

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