209 похожих чатов

Hello, can you tell me any good news?😅 I was

holding $118k of RSR which is now only around $60k🤦 when it can be go up at least to my BEP?🧐

15 ответов

27 просмотров

I m also but less than you

Trade-Empty Автор вопроса
Trade-Empty Автор вопроса
Abdul Basit
It's not a hope game😂

But this only thing what we can do now😂

Trade Empty
But this only thing what we can do now😂

I think rsr go to 0.022 in next month Easily

Trade Empty
Let see bro

In which price you bought

Trade-Empty Автор вопроса

I made a wrong entry 🙊

Trade Empty
I made a wrong entry 🙊

Hold long run it will give you 3 to 4x

Trade-Empty Автор вопроса
Trade Empty
Doing that bro

My all investment 2x in just 0.022

Trade-Empty Автор вопроса

For start, change yr name. 😜 You asked for it 🤣😎

$118k !!! Are you serious

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