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I'M faiily new to Gate, still trying to figure out

the ropes.

I've got 120 GT tokens in my wallet, but system still says I'm VIP0 instead of VIP1. It's possible I've only had 100 tokens for a week or 10 days or so.

If I purchased a larger amount of GT tokens... would that potentially increase my 'average' GT holdings enough to participate in the current Dark Frontiers today before it closes, or is that pretty much impossible even if purchasing higher amount of GT to qualify?

3 ответов

11 просмотров

Yes. If you hold 1400 GT you will be vip1 in 1 day

Super-Man Автор вопроса
Yes. If you hold 1400 GT you will be vip1 in 1 day

Great. 2nd Question, in the Startups, I understand that when you invest, you only get a % of the available tokens based on how much everyone invests... so if I put in like $5-10k (or even $100k for example) vs $1000 in there... would I qualify for a higher % of the token amount distributed between everyone... then the balance of unused USDT is refunded... is that how it works?

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