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My technical knowledge isn't the highest but my understanding here

is that as Syntropy sits on-top of standard networking wouldn't all BGP routes being non-announced just stop Syntropy from working also?

2 ответов

9 просмотров

darp has constant pulse thru multiple routes and asses it the route traffic to lowest cost route, i think...

If BGP is not working, and you don't have an IGP (backup) path, you're not getting tunnels on top like Syntropy. So in this narrow case, if Facebook had been running Syntropy over BGP, and BGP was withdrawn, you're going down no matter what. But that's really not the end of the story. BGP is so complex that there's really only a few thousand people in the world that really understand the entire protocol. Even then, it's hard for them to understand thousands of lines of configuration that might be setting up BGP for a network like Facebook, let alone a Tier 1 provider like AT&T/Verizon/BT. Luckily, you guys know one of those BGP experts. Some might say he wrote the book on BGP and Peering (hi Bill!) OK, so what's Syntropy doing here if it can't solve FB's typo that took out half the world's Internet services for 6 hours yesterday? Pretty simply: you shouldn't be managing your network with BGP. This is what Jonas was describing in his Twitter thread yesterday. BGP is a "don't touch it, lest you break it" technology. Kind of like when you finally get a literal house of cards built, you don't try to add another floor. Facebook never should have been messing with BGP - they know this - they built a whole system around preventing this kind of "withdraw" command, but that system failed them too (because BGP is complex...). So if one of the biggest software engineering firms can't build software to solve this, and one of the biggest data center operators can't consistently not mess this up, what chance do the rest of us have? Syntropy envisions a world where BGP is set, stable, and you don't have to modify it. Syntropy tunnels provide an easy to configure, easy to manage, easy to *change* overlay that means one bad piece of configuration isn't going to take down your network.

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