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Does someone know the system requirements for running the Holochain

Launcher on a Windows system?

6 ответов

17 просмотров

It should be spoken to in the GitHub page

Edu-Pichel Автор вопроса

i use linux and run smoothly, my brother use windows also run smoothly, my friend use macbook also run launcher smoothly too .. we have been chit chat with elemental chat and kizuna

Edu-Pichel Автор вопроса
i use linux and run smoothly, my brother use windo...

I tried to install the Launcher on an older machine with an amd phenom x4 processor. It seems the installer does not support older hardware at the moment. I have reported the issue on Github. Maybe in future updates their will be support for older hardware, just wait and see now.

Wait, you have access to Kizuna? How?

i search kizuna webhapp on github, found it on hc-institute-japan .. just install it like another webhapp on launcher

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