209 похожих чатов

1. are there plans to introduce a function like i

saw it on uniswap... the part where you can set a price range. for example eth price is 3500usd. you set the range from min. 3150 and to max 3850, so the impermanent loss would be 10% but according to the apr on onion protocol you get 40%. this way IL is negligible (or do i think wrong?).

2. if we take the 40% apr of eth (actual number is 38.54%) how is that calculated? because its a pool and you have to put the double amount of your money into the pool, shouldnt be the right calculation be 40% devided through 2 = 20% ? lets say i put 100eth into a pool and 350.000 usd. together this would be 700.000usd. so do i get out 700.000 x 1.40 = 980.000 after a year or do i get 350.000 x 1.40 = 490.000 after a year ?

3. is here somebody who trusts orion and has more than, lets say 1 million dollar in pools on the platform? (can you pm me)

4. is there a tool/homepage or something where i can track my bsc and eth pools on orion? for example, in coinstats you can add API of exchanges or adress of your wallets and track your portfolio.

3 ответов

12 просмотров

1. I don’t know 2. The Apr applies to the total value deposited. 3. I trust the platform (been using it myself for a long time without major problems + audit by certik), but don’t have >1 million on the platform 4. You can track it on the terminal itself, I don’t know if an API for this specific aspect is in the works

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