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Marketing needs to be concise, succinct. Simple. Please use the

language that we understand without us having to learn a new language. We don't have time to read reams of material. Why do you want us to be here? Do you want us to be here? What is our purpose?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

Buddy. You choose to be here and are coming across quite rude. Maybe English is a 2nd language so no problem just flagging it. You need to do your own research to better understand why YOU are here. If you don’t know yourself, then you are in a right pickle. Did you not look into the townhall held only a few days ago?

DoginIt- Автор вопроса
Simon Medals
Buddy. You choose to be here and are coming across...

I'm asking questions that others are asking. But these questions are getting brushed off with a push off to the price channel.

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