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Telos ($TLOS) 🔵 Advanced Smart Contract Platform - Apps, DeFi,

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💎 #1 Most Active Blockchain - Blocktivity.info
💎 >100 Apps: telos.net/explore
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💎 Addition of Telos EVM (Soon™)
💎 Highly decentralized DPOS Network
💎 >150 Doxed Founders & Developers
💎 Governance Layer rivaling Tezos

🌐 Website: telos.net
🥞 Buy Now(BSC): https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb6c53431608e626ac81a9776ac3e999c5556717c
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✳️ Contract(BSC): https://bscscan.com/token/0xb6c53431608e626ac81a9776ac3e999c5556717c
📈 Chart(BSC) https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xb6C53431608E626AC81a9776ac3e999c5556717c

2 ответов

10 просмотров

@bytemaster7 TLOS EVM going live very soon, TLOS is becoming the main EOSio project, it is too late for B1 to start building EVM with foundation fund. It will not benefit. Instead B1 should merge with TLOS community to avoid splitting EOS community & destroying EOS price.

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