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Can I post a tweet here ? https://twitter.com/DerekSilva/status/1450138491866714113

7 ответов

5 просмотров
CHRIS | Will not DM first | NFA- Автор вопроса

How come this tweet doesn’t have at least 250 likes already which is half of the online members in this community? Do the bare minimum people.

I know the people on here are shit at sharing stuff

How is what Elon tweeted related to OXT?

How is what Elon tweeted related to OXT?

Never said it was, but maybe it was? Bunnies with rockets > bunnies with carrots 😆

Derek Silva
Love you too, Ash

Good to see you post OXT on Twitter brother 🐰👌 all 7,757 of us should be on it on Twitter 👌

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