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Hey guys - what are you thoughts on the use

of DID in relation to data control / digital privacy rights?

I think one of interesting aspect of web3 is better ownership and personal control over the use of data , as opposed to what we’ve seen come to predominate: the collection and central storage of individual profiles (often quite detailed) and subsequent sale between third parties, often all done without a clear knowledge from participant, and enforced through ever-changing agreed terms of service.

Can we build on an opportunity to leverage users’ empowerment in data control and privacy issues with relation to EWF DID within web3’s emergence? Is there a tangible connection here? @realMichalBacia ?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Yes. Check it out: https://oceanprotocol.com/press/2020-09-15-ocean-energy-web-collaboration-announcement

xentience- Автор вопроса

Not just a connection. That’s the plan!

xentience- Автор вопроса

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