210 похожих чатов

What is a better use of large quantity of eos

tokens rather than keeping them on nexo and earning 6.5% interest?

8 ответов

13 просмотров

To help the EOS price, it would be good to take your EOS off the exchange into your own wallet, so you can vote for Block Producers which bring value to EOS But you will get less rewards. The best what you could do is to stake your EOS to the Eden Proxy to help the Eden Community bring maximum value to EOS: https://edenproxy.org/

Neo Blast
Can I vote using token pocket ?

i don't think you can vote from the wallet itself. But you can log in to bloks.io and vote from there

Neo Blast
I dont think bloks let me do it from Android

You just can 1) export your private key from Tokenpocket 2) download https://greymass.com/en/anchor/ 3) insert your private key into Anchor 4) use Tokepocket and Anchor Wallet depending on the dapp For Organix and Defis Network I use Tokenpocket Wallet For everything else I use the Anchor Wallet

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