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Do you know? With every 15$ we can buy 300 capsules

of almost any medicine there in Venezuela and help almost 15 people with medical treatment.

Go check now and support us buying one of our crowdfunding NFT art on AreaX: https://areaxnft.com/set/154

If you want directly donate to our foundation thought Telos send any amount to our foundation account: fundacoventl

1 ответов

9 просмотров

Hey man that sounds like a super awesome idea! Are you able to provide a link for the charity name so I can look at what they do? Btw have you seen Indigo Traveller channel on YouTube? He's a Kiwi travel blogger who goes to places with a bad reputation to see what life is actually like on the ground, get the human stories, & hopefully change viewers perceptions. Anyway he visited a food & education kitchen for children in one of the major Caracus slums, & his link raised so much money, about $200,000 USD I think, that there's now 50 such food kitchens throughout Caracus.. You should check out his channel if you haven't seen it. ✌️💚

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