210 похожих чатов

Goodnight! Dear developers, the meta-universe itself is opposed to your update.

A large number of real players will suffer from the update, who have contributed to the game and they will be left out of the game.
Why don't you reconsider your position and find a better solution for the 800 rating?
Reduce the cost of breeding, tie it to the dollar equivalent at the AXS rate, when it cost $ 5, and make 0.1 AXS and 900 SLP thereby making breeding attractive to new players and indeed all players.
And start from the 400 MMR position to cancel the reward and see the minting and burning SLP ratio to fight bots. And the next month, look at the statistics, if there is no positive dynamics, increase the cancellation of the reward by 500 MMR.
I think you will act from the position of the heart, and not the cold calculation of the benefits, and you will find the optimal solution for everyone!
Respectfully your loyal players!

6 ответов

9 просмотров

That would ruin the tangible value of Axies even more than they already have. If they did that without airdropping AXS to every axie holder they would ruin the economy

Oleh-Shakhmaiev Автор вопроса
Bill Gains | Gains Guild
That would ruin the tangible value of Axies even m...

I fundamentally disagree, AXS works according to a completely different algorithm and does not depend on the amount used in reproduction for its course!

Yes it does, when they went from 4>2 axs the price of axies dropped 33% overnight. I had 150 eggs in production and that cost me over $20,000

Oleh-Shakhmaiev Автор вопроса
Bill Gains | Gains Guild
Yes it does, when they went from 4>2 axs the price...

Once AXS was $ 5 and this had little effect on the SLP rate, but now the rate is $ 120, and the SLP as it was $ 0.07 remains!

Oleh Shakhmaiev
Once AXS was $ 5 and this had little effect on the...

Yeah I know I was there, and I'm tellin ya if I knew they'd just rug AXS fee per breeding I wouldn't have been breeding 600 eggs a month. My losses are in the hundreds of thousands from those changes B)

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