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When signing up for the Crowdloan for Moonbeam. Does the

DOT has to be in the extension? Or does it work if they are in polkadot.js ??

3 ответов

6 просмотров

this is the same. the Chrome extension is a usable gui on top of Polkadot.js

Prince- Автор вопроса

My extension has one adress and my polkadot.js account has another adress. I cant find my wallet adress for polkadot.js on moonbeams registration page, I only find my extansion adress. But my DOT are in the polkadot.js adress. Thats why I wonder if I have to send my DOT from my polkadot.js to the extension

My extension has one adress and my polkadot.js acc...

extension is set to "use on any relay chain". if you switch to Polkadot only, the address should change to match Polkadot.js

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