swissborg community we recently listed you guys andfhe fact it's music based made my ears stand up.
I'm interested and keen to learn.
From my understanding this is a block chain based music streaming service.
A Spotify for ease of example but with crypto implemented.
Is this as good as it gets? I want to be investing in a rival to Spotify etc, I've seen there are companies doing similar to you guys.
Before I part with my £ I need to be concinved you are the guys /gals for me.
If you'd rather answer In DM that's cool too
Nice to meet you all
nice to meet you! you're definitely in the right spot
I'm in a similar situation. When I heard about Audius, I bought a bunch of tokens as a show of support. I've seen some competitors, but this one seems to be far ahead of them. Although there's no reason not to put your music everywhere.
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