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@Gertler How often do you have to chide Nevin for

using the term insurance to describe the new protocol outside of its formal legal sense?

2 ответов

14 просмотров

I chide everyone for using financial terms when they really mean something else and are just trying to use words that make it more easy to explain. Another example of this is the “crowdfunding”, which terribly describes what is actually happening. Our “crowdfunding” is a way for people to donate to humanitarian causes, like a medical procedure, but the donor does not receive anything or any promise for anything in the future, other than the funds will actually be used for the procedure. It gives me headaches all the time haha

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Matthew Gertler
I chide everyone for using financial terms when th...

Do you have specific terms that you do use internally rather than the casual ones that get put out in public communications? Does content published on the site have to get audited by the legal team to ensure it doesn't make any misleading statements?

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