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Hi. I have a question. Today I see Terra IBC

Works and I love the news. But I ended up with a different terra address. I use Ledger, and on terra App, I got my primary terra address. When I connected my Osmosiszone and exchanged OSMO to UST and now I want to IBC Withdraw, then Kepler made a totaly different terra address for me.... Why? How can I use my terra Address to bring UST to SOMOSIS? I dont really want to have two different addresses.... Please explain why this is hapening?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Yeah addresses are derived from different mnemonics. If you want to use the import and export feature with Osmosis, you’ll have to have them in the same derived accounts

Do you use Ledger on Osmosis?

Yes sir

What coldchain has said... It should be at the same derivation path address.

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