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Hi. Watching the fees on Telos swaps got me thinking. Is

there anyone working on a DEX with adaptive fees?

Like, when a pool has low liquidity the contract uses a high fee (2-0.3%) to bootstrap more liquidity.
When it reaches enough liquidity (maybe locked with farming) that allows a low to negligible slippage then the swap fee is reduced to 0.2-0.1%

I don't know if something like this already exist on any chain (EVM or not), but sounds like a logical next step on DeFi
I suppose that it should be kinda hard to code because the idea seems pretty simple

7 ответов

14 просмотров

I haven't heard of anyone doing this, it is a good idea.

The downside is that slippage is already high and now you have a higher fee as well so it makes it less attractive to trade in that pool. Even though fees are higher, total revenue may be lower due to lower volume? It would be an interesting experiment

The downside is that slippage is already high and now you have a higher fee as well so it makes it less attractive to trade in that pool. Even though fees are higher, total revenue may be lower due to lower volume? It would be an interesting experiment



This is one of the key reasons, I am speculating that Bancor will be among the first dApps to be deployed on Telos EVM. They already have a bridge between Ethereum and EOS. So I guess this should make it relatively easier to build a bridge to Telos. If this happens it would be EPIC..

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