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the file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WxG7KsWf9dVjSenvZA-pOlQh1-K-kRQD/view says Do is citizen of South Korea. Previously I was a bit concerned (but only a bit) since he studied in US and worked there before (given his fluent English), he might have status of permanent resident but the file does not indicate. So the US SEC is asking someone who is not even their own citizen and not in their own country and ask him through legal means to do something for them? LMAO

Joe- Автор вопроса
Taster: block all scammers beware direction message , all are scammers
the file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WxG7KsWf...

Yeah some stuff doesn't add up hey? Seems as if terra are the plaintiffs now. Is good and I like them challenging sec... But couldn't have waited until bear market? Haha

Yeah some stuff doesn't add up hey? Seems as if te...

Maybe the SEC's lawyers are rookies. Do and TFL's attorney's aren't. They are veterans in top five US law firms (by revenues). One has MIT math major and a law degree, which implies he is sharp and extremely precise. The other has decades history on cases with US agencies. They would know the ins and outs of the due process. Grab popcorns and enjoy...

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