210 похожих чатов

Hello there! I'm currently staking via kraken. I get 7%

apy. Should I do it rather via ledger live? I heard it's 10% there, is it really? What about airdrops? How profitable are they?

5 ответов

12 просмотров

Please do not stake at centralized exchanges. It's not only terrible for network security, but gives you lower yield, doesn't allow you to vote on proposals and disqualifies you from receiving airdrops. You are welcome to stake with our node at Blocks United using Ledger Live, Trust Wallet, Keplr and Cosmostation. Current APY is just over 10.5%. The numbers in Trust Wallet are incorrect. Here's our staking tutorial that shows Keplr and Cosmostation in action. You can easily connect your nano to either wallet to stake. Sometimes Ledger Live has sync issues. https://blocksunited.com/how-to-stake-cosmos-atom-tokens/

Ham Kam
how much commission do you take?

We are 0% for the year and then somewhere between 2% and 5% in 2022, whichis super reasonable. It costs money and time to run a validator node. Average validator commission across all blockchains is around 12%, FYI. Don't be afraid to pay a little commission. It will generally buy you reliability, honesty and service. It certainly does with our node.

Ham-Kam Автор вопроса
Matt | Blocks United Validator (WILL NEVER DM YOU FIRST)
We are 0% for the year and then somewhere between ...

I have no problem with this. So, if staking rewards are now 10,5%, after you taking 5% for example it should still be at arround 10%?

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