210 похожих чатов

What'S the deal with the 100% commission validators? Are they

fully self delegated or something?

7 ответов

7 просмотров

Yeah. Paradigm and some exchange validators. They want people to stake through their platforms. We highly encourage staking on-chain directly however

Yeah. Paradigm and some exchange validators. They ...

Please I am trying to unstake my atom It's over 21 days they gave me and I am yet to receive my atom.. What should I do

Please I am trying to unstake my atom It's over ...

You're probably using trust wallet or atomic wallet right?

Yea Atomic

Yeah, Atomic might be ok wallet but for cosmos ecosystem it straight up sucks. You should export your mnemonic code to Keplr and then your ATOMs will become available instantly. You can tutorial in the pinned message

Thanks boss I was about selling my atom.. Your kindness has changed my mind

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