up from invites?
Based purely on the graphics, $62m a month? ($2m a day?)
Up from 1.5 in closed app...not a big jump
+30% is kinda nice, at least it doesn't go down
Yup better than going down. But dossnt show the demand is too strong
give it time, it's only 2 month since fully open, the killer feature is payroll and saving accounts
I feel 30% in ~6 weeks is kinda decent, but a personal opinion
Yes its great...guess people were expecting the demand to be more than 30% once opened
Looks like mainnet shoukd be held off..thats not a lot of revenue yet to be captured if new rtoken is even used at that rate..with the billlions that can be staked as we hope on mainet...apy will be low for average investor
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