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12 ответов

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AFAIK there are two staking options. One is staking native atom at wallet and other one is pstake which I am not familiar so much. If you like to know more about it, you should join Persistance channel; https://t.me/PersistenceOneChat

DAD 🌖🧪⚛- Автор вопроса
DAD 🌖🧪⚛
Ours has 21 day lock. Right?

Correct. 21 days undelegation period.

Exodus wallet claims 10% !!

mike treedrop
Exodus wallet claims 10% !!

Exodus wallet is not recommended one. Keprl and Cosmostations are ! Also if you use Keplr you are able to access Cosmos dexs.

DAD 🌖🧪⚛- Автор вопроса
mike treedrop
Exodus wallet claims 10% !!

thanks! i just found out. Kucoin has flexible staking as well. don't want to lock out my funds during this Bull run!

DAD 🌖🧪⚛
thanks! i just found out. Kucoin has flexible stak...

Staking in Centralized exchanges is not recommended. You miss out in Quality Airdrops and also not owning the keys to your Crypto.

Try stake2earn, we have 0% commission

Gabi - stake2earn.com 🌜
Try stake2earn, we have 0% commission

What do you do for the community/network? Most people say to stay away from 0% commission validators

Max Power
What do you do for the community/network? Most peo...

Well. Maybe they are a new validator and 0% comms is to attract new delegators... and usually they are operating in a loss...

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