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Again, addressing supply and demand again come back to the

strength of the "Basket of assets" community, marketing and tokenomics, and looking at the chart demand has dumped nearly 20% in 24hrs.

Has rebalancing or expanding the "Basket of assets" been considered given the current market?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

RSR is not used back our stablecoins. Each stablecoin (RSV or any other) has a RSR staking fund that any RSR holder can join, this fund is used to provide insurance-like protection in case any collateral defaults. The total monetary value of the staking fund will always be sufficiente if enough staking rewards are provide by the stablecoin. If RSR goes down in price, because the staking rewards stay the same, that will create an incentive for anybody to buy cheap RSR from the market and stake it because the effective APY would get higher if the RSR goes down.

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