209 похожих чатов

Thanks! I am new to Staking Oasis,

I have a question... When I 'reclaim' my staked tokens, it says Amount(ROSE) and also 'shares'. What does it mean by shares?

8 ответов

13 просмотров
Stack-King Автор вопроса

hmm... So I loose about 10% of my ROSE to stake???

No as I said, your escrow shares represent your original staking amount + the reward if any. If you got 10 shares for staking 100 ROSE, if you unstake all shares you will get back all of your 100 ROSE + staking reward

Stack King
hmm... So I loose about 10% of my ROSE to stake???

Bro at this point you should rename yourself 😂

Stack-King Автор вопроса
Ryan | Oasis (Will Never PM First)
No as I said, your escrow shares represent your or...

Okay, its a little confusing becasue the 'shares' are about 15% less than what I staked.

Stack-King Автор вопроса
Stack King
Okay, its a little confusing becasue the 'shares'...

Yes, that is fine. You will still get back your original staking amount if you unstake them all

Stack-King Автор вопроса
Stack King
Cool thanks for the help. I appreciate it

Welcome to staking community, been staking for 5 months now, works perfectly, Big rewards 👍

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