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Ef v8 has been activated on mainnet on block [xxxxxxx](https://reefscan.com/block/?blockNumber=1242424). Reef

v8 is the largest blockchain upgrade since the Reef mainnnet launch on May 28th 2021:
- Upgraded from Polkadot Substrate 3 to Substrate 4
- Upgraded Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) to post London fork
- Support for live chain forking in development mode
- Support for blockchain database snapshots /w Postgres mirroring
- Improved integration tests suite


## Upgrade instructions
This release also requires node upgrade.
All users should upgrade the their Reef node to 4.0.0. Chain re-sync is not required.

git checkout v8
make release

You can read more about the release [here](https://github.com/reef-defi/reef-chain/releases/tag/v8).
Full node compilation instructions are available [here](/docs/developers/nodes/).

## Ecosystem improvements
Developers should upgrade to the latest versions of our [JavaScript](https://docs.reef.finance/docs/developers/js_libraries/) and [Python](https://github.com/reef-defi/py-reef-interface#readme) libraries.

## Ledger Nano support
Reef chain firmware for Ledger hardware wallets is now available on [GitHub](https://github.com/reef-defi/ledger-reef). The firmware supports native Reef chain transactions related to REEF transfers, bonding and NPoS governance.


A user friendly UI with Ledger support is currently in development.

## Developer support
We are inviting developers to join us in [Reef matrix chat](https://app.element.io/#/room/#reef:matrix.org) with any questions related to Reef chain. The developer chat can also be used to interact with the automated Reef chain testnet faucet.

2 ответов

2 просмотра

Is V8 now active?

Rust- Автор вопроса
Degen Ape
Is V8 now active?

They updated github file not yet

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