210 похожих чатов

@JhazzyJhaz14: Do you please have news about ticket #559971

? You promised me an email reponse. 4 hours and have still nothing

10 ответов

13 просмотров

No response? 🤔 Let me follow up again

Pascal-S Автор вопроса

Admin I haven't received it yet💔

Pascal-S Автор вопроса
No response? 🤔 Let me follow up again

@JhazzyJhaz14: I still have no response right now. It's the third time I ask to have updates from my ticket (1 with @SenseiBrr 3 days ago, and 2 times with you). And still nothing. Please I need to know. Am I blacklisted by Gate.io support, and I'm wasting my time ? Or maybe is it because my ticket is currently processed by the tech team, with a possible positive outcome? (but when ?). Please let me know

Pascal-S Автор вопроса
Pascal-S Автор вопроса
Check dm

Sorry, I was confused. Because there are ghosts (scammers) of you who are sending pm at the same time.

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