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How do I get a TelosPunk… can I mint one

when it’s released or do we only buy?

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Anyone with a telos evm account can mint one by paying the NFT's asset number minus 100. (The first 100 are free). E.g. TelosPunk 101 costs 1 TLOS. 110 costs 10 TLOS.

Douglas Horn - GoodBlock, Telos, dStor, Decide Voter, Antelope
Anyone with a telos evm account can mint one by pa...

for exact rectification: Numbers 1-100 -- Will be minted directly to the Telos and Telos EVM contributors for free. 30 of these are artistic representations of people within the Telos community who played significant roles in the creation and growth of the network. 50 regular NFTs will be given to these and other Telos contributors as free gifts as honorariums for their contributions to Telos. 20 will be given as prizes to any Telos EVM user who registers their Telos EVM address during the early registration period.

for exact rectification: Numbers 1-100 -- Will be...

Actually, the representations of people (avatars like mine) will be a part of a different ERC721 collection on EVM & dStor. They will be for sale but probably not sold much. @TheBigGooey what should we charge to make people here a custom avatar nft to be included in the Telos Founders collection? (Currently made ones will be free.) Assuming you want to do that.

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