209 похожих чатов

What’s the use case of bridging MOVR to EWC or

EWT to Moonriver?

5 ответов

16 просмотров
Marvin-10xdev Автор вопроса

Seems like my reply to your msg was deleted by admins. Strange.

A question like what the CCA and different EnergyTag member initiatives are doing towards web3 standards.

Marvin-10xdev Автор вопроса
J Free
A question like what the CCA and different EnergyT...

Hope in the future, when EWC is integrated in the grid and vice versa, we can have a dashboard which will show energy sources for validator nodes.

Marvin 10xdev
Seems like my reply to your msg was deleted by adm...

rose is very strict in here certain words are blacklisted

Marvin-10xdev Автор вопроса
rose is very strict in here certain words are blac...

My reply was there for a while. Then disappeared 🤷‍♂️

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