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As someone who's been a strong supporter of Terra for

a while now, I must say I'm feeling very disconcerted with the current state of the ecosystem.

- Why has development dropped from the breakneck speed earlier in the year to an absolute snail's pace?
What's happening with the huge cash reserves that TFL and the treasury are sitting on right now?
- Why on Earth isn't this capital being deployed like the survival of the ecosystem literally depends on it, with every cent being spent on improving core technological infrastructure? Cosmos is great, but its developers are nowhere near the level of the devs working on Polkadot's Substrate framework so you cannot rely on Cosmos for everything
- Why are the OS repos so terribly managed? You really expect protocols like Anchor to be the backbone of thousands of dApps when you can't even close basic issues which have been open for weeks?
- Why proliferation of shitcoins? Wow sure looks like we're building the future of finance right here

4 ответов

9 просмотров

aua.. nice critics.

i agree especially in last point. way too many.

Throw it to Do Kwon on Twitter

Seems unclear the strategic direction of Terra wants to take to be a premier L1 or just increase exposure to UST.

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