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Riverkingfisher🌑- Автор вопроса

Cool. What are you building?

Cool. What are you building?

Nothing but im supporting those that are

have to give it to Brendan, he front run the BPs ending the vesting and offload the hot potato to Brock

Riverkingfisher🌑- Автор вопроса
Luka Perrrcic
have to give it to Brendan, he front run the BPs e...

Feels that way. Hey old buddy, sorry we had to let you go in 2018, can you do us a solid and take over this tokens for the good of the community? BPs are breathing down our neck.

I paid for the tokens. This is a massive investment I wouldn’t be making if I didn’t think I was able to do something HUGE for the community. My hands were tied. Not anymore.

Brock Pierce
I paid for the tokens. This is a massive investmen...

+1. Your energy, vision and connections are extraordinary assets you bring to the community. Thanks for your investment.

Riverkingfisher🌑- Автор вопроса
Brock Pierce
I paid for the tokens. This is a massive investmen...

Can you disclose how much you paid for unvested tokens? I would think there would be a hefty discount since they are locked over next 7 years?

Brock Pierce
I paid for the tokens. This is a massive investmen...

i'm impressed by your all in for EOS Community⛓🤝 Appreciate you for your passion^


To little clarity here imo. Even if they sold, the overall action is better for eos than the moralic questionable behavior. I understand your frustration anyway if its realy the case.

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