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Does anyone else think that there are 3 accounts here

all controlled by the same person, just moaning on and on about "the investor"?

4 ответов

20 просмотров

And you can gauge their level of knowledge, when they refer to themselves/us, as "investors". It really does say a lot, that they either don't yet understand crypto all that well, they don't understand investments, or both. Someone like that probably got into crypto recently, and because of hype and reading about X coin making 8000x or whatever, so their entire viewpoint is jaded and not realistic. Some also don't seem to understand how much WORK and time, it takes to develop a product like this, test it, launch it, market it, etc. Startups can take years before they're production-ready, but these guys are just watching token prices and they become worried because others are pumping. Well those likely are MUCH further ahead in their development stage, and have been known in the crypto space for a long time. Some are new, but are "sexy" like anything related to NFTs, metaverse, crypto gaming, so people are throwing money at them before knowing if they will even follow-through on their plans. The people who understand will be rewarded here. The ones upset because the "investors" aren't considered (lol), will chase pumps, buy tops, and likely end up getting rekt.. Sorry for the text wall, but had to throw in my .02. Boarding a flight, talk to you guys later.

All of you guys here (ambassadors, community managers etc), you think you are the most clever and sophisticated persons here and make fun about the people who put their savings in this project. You think that you are the only ones who understand the blockchain technology but all that you are doing here is making teenage level jokes among yourselves, the clever admins and sending watermelons all the time. I believe in the team (i mean the core team and not the admins here) and the vision they put forward but there is a reality here - unlike other projects, this project is having serious delays and no explanation is being made to the investors (i’ll keep on using this word even if you admins make fun of it) - the ceo and the team is making some promises and most of them are not delivered and if an investor asks for a status, the only thing you’re saying is that we don’t understand this project and that we are ignorant. But please be sure, we are not!! I recommend you to stop overestimating yourselves and work on delivering the promises you’ve made..

Orcun Solak
All of you guys here (ambassadors, community manag...

What "promises" have we made? We're not employees of the company/project. And those who call themselves investors, do not understand that owning tokens does not equal ownership like with stocks. So yes, some do sound like they do not understand many things. Not sure why YOU took it so personally. I don't spend much time in here, and when I do, I respect everyone and try to help.

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