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Has the MM that's gone live communicated any problems to

you? They don't seem to be supplying much liquidity yet?

7 ответов

13 просмотров

I think what Bart is asking, (my thoughts as well) would be why the incentive program wasn't announced earlier? This would have given market makers time to onboard and then have deep liquidity from day one on canonical which was talked about previously. Then being able to use Canonical as an event to really push awareness / marketing, whereas now despite the amazing tech upgrades the complete lack of liquidity gives a negative first impression for any newcomers. I understand there have been delays with the likes of Band and other issues, but seems a missed opportunity to not have tied canonical in with the launch of the incentive program imo. Hopefully once the proposal passes for the incentive program, new market makers can be onboarded quickly and benefit from far greater liquidity so can really take advantage of the amazing tech you have built so far.

That’s a very good point and we appreciate you noticing. Primarily it’s a logistical reason as to why canonical was launched prior to the incentive launch. You see the canonical on chain upgrade allowed for the liquidity mining and vip fee program to be implemented on chain. It wouldn’t be possible prior to the upgrade. As the community noticed through our Github contributions, we were working on the incentive programs for quite some time. This upgrade was actually the first major upgrade we did where we had to halt the chain. This required coordination with more than 20 validators and relayers while ensuring things are operational and running without any issues. We've been heavily monitoring everything in the past few days to ensure there are no issues and indeed, we havent noticed anything far - which means the upgrade was a success. After this upgrade the API and some chain logistics were refactored so the market makers would need a few extra days to update some parameters to ensure that their integration worked properly. If the incentive program was launched alongside canonical then there would be rewards given out for several days but market makers wouldn’t be able to earn from the volume since they weren’t finished onboarding the chain upgrade. So they wanted the community to launch the program after they finished integrating in order to ensure that they didn’t miss out on potential rewards. Rewards are also skewed heavily to the beginning (so month two would have more rewards than month seven for instance in pure INJ terms). So the market makers would lose out on a lot of potential rewards. Also I see many people speculating on proposals. We want you guys to engage on the governance forum as actively as possible. The plan is to launch the incentive proposals basically one after another so everything is implemented on chain by next week (the vip fee program and the entire incentive program). So it actually won’t take long at all. Hope that makes sense!

Bojan Angjelkoski
That’s a very good point and we appreciate you not...

Mate, the team should find ways to be more engaged with the community. Your answer only came after people complaining and fudding on tg for 2 entire days. This kind of statement could be made in advance, or via AMAs. Unfortunately, you guys seems to be used to only react to the community concerns after you see all the drama on tg, discord, etc. There's a bunch of activities which proposed before that would make this communication issue way better. Unfortunately, so far we haven't seen any initiative on this direction. Amas, voice chats, and a lot of other initiatives would be very appreciated by the community. The problem is, the community fell like is navigating in the dark with almost everything related with Injective. I'm not talking about price. I'm talking about how distant the team position itself from its suports. You guys are losing a lot of old believers because of this attitude. It's sad.

Bojan Angjelkoski
That’s a very good point and we appreciate you not...

Which langage do you advice to code the relayer for the back end?

I couldn’t agree more. On the other hand, I feel like we had way too many unnecessary announcements in the past where they’ve made the real/good announcement(s) that came out after not as effective. Not sure if at times people felt the same way as me, but I felt that any new announcement is just one of those unnecessary ones. ☹️ Not sure if INJ just hired a third party to do the tweets and the marketing part for them, but it sure looks like they are not very effective. Apologies for the not so positive vibes, but I am speaking my mind.

Charlie Bun
I couldn’t agree more. On the other hand, I feel l...

This is why I got banned in twitter.Anouncement regarding 88.8k followers in twitter.

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