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Yield 2.0 soon

Yield 2.0 soon

Thought that's nothing to look forward to because we will get less yield on higher amounts. Did I misunderstand this?

Thought that's nothing to look forward to because ...

More incentive for new users to buy CHSB and yield them, maybe save up for Premiums etc.

Premium becomes more attractive for holders with small amounts… thus more ppl can afford to lock up tokens—> less tokens in circulation.. and prediction is price will go up

Samo Pedersen
Premium becomes more attractive for holders with s...

I see. But at the same time, less users owning a larger wealth will buy Genesis Premium and need 50k CHSB for that.

I see. But at the same time, less users owning a l...

But hey, let's see. As long as the price benefits, I don't complain. :-)

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