gravity dex is? I feel like osmosis kind of swooped in and stole all the thunder and is now so established that I don't really see a reason for another identical Dex in the space??
yeah hence why I asked my questions. With superfluid staking I see Osmosis not just owning all the liquidity today, but I see them in the dominant position long term. A liquidity mining program has the same problem of all liquidity minning programs....eventually the money runs out, and the mercenary liquidity leaves
Both Osmosis and Gravity will be adding value to the Whole Cosmos Ecosystem. Think of it that way. It is not this DEX vs that DEX… It’s DEX vs. CEX
I mean I don't care either way I'm all for decentralizing everything but I don't see how they can attract anyone but the short term incentive farmers over from osmosis. Anyone seriously interested in a Dex in this space is likely already invested in osmosis. What will they be doing differently? Why should a guy spread his bag out over 2 dex's with essentially the same pools and eventually/assumedly the same reward rates?
If you watch interviews on this subject with Sunny from Osmosis and then with the Cosmos team, there's for sure some bad feelings there about it. There was a whole debate about "credible neutrality" for Atom. Sunny even raised the point of basically saying 'how can osmosis do shared security with atom if atom is a defi competitor' I'm not really worried per se. I'm in Atom for cross chain security and Validator Network-as-a-Service, the dex is just a distraction for my investment thesis in Atom.
We have the same investment thesis sir.
But how do we know there will be tens of thousands?
your balls talk to you and tell you the future
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