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Want to practice minting your own TelosPunk on the EVM


1. Go to telospunks.com
2. Connect your MetaMask EVM testnet account (same one you'd use for demo .telos .finance)
3. Click the Mint Punk button and approve the transaction.

You'll be able to see that you own that 'Punk ins the TelosPunk explorer on the bottom of the page. (You own it for now. This may be frequently reset and all testnet EVM punks will be deleted once the mainnet TelosPunks are available for minting.)

7 ответов

6 просмотров

Do we need Testnet tlos

Do we need Testnet tlos

Yes. Currently around 100 tTLOS per punk.

Jesse | Telos
Should it work on mobile or do I need to go to des...

Both MetaMask & Wallet Connect are supported. Anchor support for native-linked addresses coming very soon.

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