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FAQ. Also, for partnerships or listings, email marketing@ankr.com Scammers Q: Someone from

the Ankr team messaged me. Are they legit?
A: No. We never message you first. We NEVER ask you for any funds, or any private keys. Anyone asking for these WILL steal your money. BEWARE.


Much of our content is moving over to Discord - including our support channels. There is a much wider range of topic-specific channels there that you can use to discuss Ankr and related topics. You can find it here:



Q: Where can I read the recent AMA?
A: you can read in this channel from this point onwards: https://t.me/ankrnetwork/343423

Q: What is the Ankr token used for?
A: - governance
- payment for node hosting
- insurance for ETH2 provider
- more use-cases very soon

Ankr Staking

Q: Do I have to redeem my aETH?
A: No - personal choice. Either hold on your own wallet (redeem) or keep on Stkr

Q: Does my amount of aETHc increase?
A: No - the value of it does, over time, since it builds in the rewards being received. Your reward is implicit in the published price of aETH as shown on Stkr.io. aETHb does increase though, but the value does not.

Q: If I buy aETH elsewhere, do I get reward?
A: Yes - when the ETH contract ends you just cash it in via Stkr for ETH plus rewards

Q: What’s the difference between aETH and ankrETH?
A: Nothing - they are the same.

Q: Why is the price of aETH lower in Uniswap than is shown on Stkr.io, or less that 1 ETH?
A: Because on Uniswap you’re trading: it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. As opposed to the price on Stkr.io which shows the current value on the path to finally being able to cash in when the contract ends.

Or to put it another way:

“You give me $90 and I give you a $100 check that you can't cash for 1 year. Someone is willing to give you $80 for it right now. Some people take the $80 and lose $10, some people wait a year and gain $10.”

Q: And what is aETHb?
A: Instead of the value changing, if you hold aETHb in your own wallet, you receive additional aETHb continually in to it, as payment for ongoing staking rewards.

Q: Why isn’t my balance and rewards very clear in the Stkr UI? I want to see how much I’ve earned...
A: Working on it. New dashboard released shortly.

Q: Why can’t I see my aETHc in my wallet?
A: You may need to add the contract address. You can find it here: https://t.co/IzECudZMHm

Q: And the aETHb contract?
A: Here it is : 0xd01ef7c0a5d8c432fc2d1a85c66cf2327362e5c6

Q: Why is my aETH balance zero even though I’ve staked ETH recently?
A: It takes a while. We send ETH to the contract address in batches of 32 so just wait a while and yours will be sent and your aETH credited.

Q: Why do I get less than 1 aETHc per 1 ETH?
A: Because 1 aETHc represents 1 ETH plus rewards on that ETH at the end of staking. So as time passes, the reward increases and so the aETHc is worth more.

Q: Can I stake Ankr?
A: Yes - via OnX currently, and very soon there will be at least one additional way to do this too! Type #staking in the main channel for more info

Q: I’d like a career with Ankr. How?
A: Visit ankr.com for career options. Don’t post your CV in Telegram, please!

Q: When moon?
A: Grow up!

8 ответов

6 просмотров


Can you do the same FAQ for aDot?

Jamie- Автор вопроса
Alexandr Semenenco
Can you do the same FAQ for aDot?

I could but I don’t really have a good set of questions to answer for it. If you can message me privately with question suggestions I’ll try to get this done and published.

Content marketing is the only way for your business and project promotion in the world with Telegram Crypto world. I’m here to present the project of Social Media marketing of your coin to generate some traffic sales. Slid to me DMs for Digital video marketing Advertisement for your project.

We’ll revert with see info from our domain If it strikes a good fit for your project, we’ll take this further Regards

We’ll revert with more info from our domain If it strikes a good fit for your project, we’ll take this further Regards

Please if you can update this message with ankr staking.

Jamie- Автор вопроса
• An0nyM0us3 • #ᴼᴾ⁷ᵀᴾ #ᴼᴼˢ¹¹
Please if you can update this message with ankr s...

There will be a separate staking FAQ I believe. I can link to that for sure. @diogoweb3 ?

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