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Do the people lobbying realize that it can fuk up

the Brock’s plans to invest 45M eos into ecosystem? I wasnt bullish because of Bullish, but because of this Brocks investment :/

4 ответов

11 просмотров

As far as I can tell, the vast majority of these conversations aren't targeted to prevent Brock from investing into the ecosystem or participating. That's just an unfortunate side effect, and if Brock really wanted to invest in the EOS ecosystem he could in other ways. If his investment is conditionally based on this deal... then that leaves me with a lot more questions on the intent.

Matthew- Автор вопроса
Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
As far as I can tell, the vast majority of these c...

Uhm, i see what you mean. But we could wait for brock to tell his plans (7th december), we could wait for bullish, we could communicate more, not to give B1 an ultimatum. I would feel so bearish if Brock canceled the deal. Honestly, he CANT get 45M eos from market. Thats impossible.

Matthew- Автор вопроса

Surely. But not for price 4$/eos.

Surely. But not for price 4$/eos.

If he cares he'll DCA, create a nice support

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