210 похожих чатов

10 ответов

5 просмотров

very high.. usually 2usd

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса
very high.. usually 2usd

Oh wow. Okay, I'll wait until things calm down lol.

very high.. usually 2usd

thats usually just an estimate. actual transaction will be much lower. check on snowtrace afterwards.

Paper Chaser🔺️
No usually 25-35 cent

Lol. Never more.. since i used defi the minimal price is 2 usd for complex smart contract stuff. I bought AVAX last week

Most of my transactions are around $0.30 cent 😜 back then I was paying like $5

Sexy Mojo
mine are 0.6 what Am I doing wrong lol


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