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Anyway, can we all agree that b1 is horrible at


9 ответов

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You would have to ask that question to every eosio chain out there otherwise if the software didn't exist we wouldn't be here talking about it

Tequila- Автор вопроса
They would agree

Agree for the software not to exist?

I think this is true of almost any corporate entity once they hit a certain level. I've been watching the Activision/Blizzard/King scandals unfolding for months, and can't help but draw some comparisons to what's been unfolding here. The B1 situation certainly isn't as immoral as the ABK situation, but both are driven by greed pretty heavily. Its just corporate mandate/culture, shareholders need their wins, which leads to disastrous results for products.

Luka Perrrcic
what, B1 situation is as immoral as they come

Monetary vs discrimination/harassment I guess are pretty subjective.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
Monetary vs discrimination/harassment I guess are ...

ok fair, i consider taking people savings to be a very high on the abuse list, since they might worked for that money for years - especially if its taken from the public

Tequila- Автор вопроса

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