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Hi all, I’ve held rose for over 6 months now

and very happy with the press we’ve now received. My question is on staking in the oasis web wallet. What does 19% commission mean? Is it 19% taken from my staking APY? Because I am looking to unstake from 19% one to the 5% validator.

9 ответов

7 просмотров

Yes you understand it correctly. Go to the 5% one. Keep in mind that it takes two weeks to switch over (debond) and during that time AFAIK you won’t be earning any rewards at all.

Jay-| RPG Director Автор вопроса
Brad Hayes
Yes you understand it correctly. Go to the 5% one...

Legend. Thanks mate. Are all validations receiving the same APY? I’ve always wondered

Jay | RPG Director
Legend. Thanks mate. Are all validations receiving...

Yw! Yes all validators get the same APY theoretically, but if a validator is not reliable then it may not have 100% uptime and could even go down permanently and then you won’t be getting any rewards from them at all. It’s good to spread out your rose to 3-4 different validators IMO.

Can you lose the amount you staked as well? Not the rewards

Can you lose the amount you staked as well? Not th...

Nope, staked tokens are at risk of getting slashed only for double-signing during debonding period.

Jarl Oasis
Nope, staked tokens are at risk of getting slashed...

Thanks for clarifying. Regarding the risk of double-signing, can you explain what we should not do on that period to avoid that risk? It's not clear to me

It means you are still exposed to slashing risk while Debonding. This is if the validator you are staking from does something wrong. 100 ROSE will get slashed and the node will be freezed if such activity is noticed.

Jarl Oasis
It means you are still exposed to slashing risk wh...

So if I staked 5000 Rose for example, my max risk will be losing 100 rose and not my 5000?

Jarl Oasis
It means you are still exposed to slashing risk wh...

I am sorry in advance if this is a stupid question, but why is it called double-signing?

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