209 похожих чатов

Sinatra, I was wondering if there is an estimated collateral

value based on transaction volume? For example, I’ve heard Nevin talk about the velocity of crypto being relatively high at 15-20x so I’m assuming this would imply that the collateral value would be ~$33.3M if annual transaction volume was $500M (assuming 15x velocity of rtoken). Is this right?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Mhh.. I've never tried calculating it that way. Are you trying to guess what the circulating supply of off-chain RSV is right now?

When you say collateralize, do you mean insure with RSR? Collateral to me means the tokens backing the stablecoin (which will always be 100%).

JJ-Bonderman 🦩 Автор вопроса
When you say collateralize, do you mean insure wit...

Yes, the collateral backing the stable coins. So collateral value will be 100% of the stable coins in circulation which will be a function of users & transaction volume

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