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Can we publish smart contracts written in solidity into the

Elrond chain?

2 ответов

21 просмотр

Elrond's VM is called Arwen, wasm based https://elrond.com/blog/elrond-virtual-machine-arwen-wasm-vm The code can be translated from solidity -> rust by hand, Contracts are short, it's not a huge effort. Especially since Rust framework is a lot less verbose and a lot safer. An automatic solidity to Wasm compiler is possible, but it's not something the Devs are working on at the moment as they are very busy with other things ,but anyone is free to give it a go though! Deploying an Ethereum dApp on Elrond is relatively simply - the smart contract logic has to be written in Rust instead of Solidity and deployed to Elrond. One of Elrond devs ported the BUSD stable coin Ethereum smart contract to Elrond in 1 day - writing, testing, deploying, testing some more. It's not automagic, it can't be, but it's average difficulty, at best. So it's quite easy, maybe not for us but for a Dev, yes 😊. The main interoperability will be from the Bridges that are in place, so the possibility to mint - (swap) NFTs, mint ESDTs, and others asset is fully viable. USDC will be the first stable coin bridging over to Elrond, followed shortly after by BUSD, then many others. Keep in mind that eth 2.0 (wen?!) will be moving over to eWASM as their virtual machine, Elrond is already there. It also appears in their roadmap that they are working on auto compilers from solidity to rust

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