210 похожих чатов

Hello there! I have a couple of questions. I have

TLOS on gate.io and on my Ledger Metamask wallet in BSC. How do I get TLOS into the native ecosystem? Is there a guide on how to use Ledger with Telos Wallet? Is Ledger support working without any bugs (I'm asking 'cause Ledger doesn't have native Telos support yet)? How do I stake Telos? Do I get 15% APY for staking? Is staking safe considering I would delegate to top validators (goodblocktls node for example). Is lending TLOS in native ecosystem a safe enterprise (I mean REX)? What if my borrower doesn't return borrowed Telos back? Do I have any insurance? Is it true I can get 340% APY by lending TLOS via REX?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

thank you

Is it the right chat for my questions? Aren't my questions dumb and discussed for thousands of times?

Is it the right chat for my questions? Aren't my q...

Yes, we still answer even if repetitive because we like new people haha

Yes, we still answer even if repetitive because we...

Glad to hear cause some crypto communities can be very toxic

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