see this guy Salex7272 who has 8 total commons for sale for $9, and I look at his profile and he has 0 collectibles, then how do you explain that?
Hes probably flipping
As I know it's a bug where comics aren't showed as collectibles
Yes but even though you don’t see comics as collectibles it’s very rare that anyone that’s a collector has not gotten at least one collectible and comics as well so when you see zero collectibles I find it hard to believe that it’s just someone that only collects comics
Yeah you see it all the time man - seen a guy selling 30 commons fantastic 4 comics the other day - clearly botting and you can only hope VeVe follow up on this. Should be like gaming where you can report a cheater and if the account gets flagged enough, VeVe should look into it
Well, comics are the easiest collectible to get (low price) so it could be but yes, of course someone's using bots (lots of profiles without a pic for example)
Yeah that's a good idea, with a manual check by veve of course
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